Out of stock of gears, new batch will arrive first week of February.
Bioboards gear drive kit is the geardrive kit with the most choices and possibilities for your DIY skateboard. It is made of high-quality aluminum and herringbone pinions in steel. Despite offering a wide range of options and high quality, it comes at a great price!

The hanger adapters are built-in, so there are no more loose geardrives on the hanger!
Supports Matrix 3 trucks for our customer that already has a Matrix 3 truck! (We working on a updated M3 adapter, currently its not available to order m3 adapter)
It has been used for over 2 years on Plutonium 2 and 2S without a single problem related to the geardrive and/or hanger and now comes as a upgraded V2 with several improvements:
- Herrringbone gears - no axial sideforce load (space in middle so you can also call them dual helical to make it possible to manufactor from cnc machine. But they have the same function and benefits as real herringbone)
- Bearing to seal the geardrive instead of v-ring
- Gears in place even without wheels
- Push on solution for RIMS with PU solution (no screws to remove rim)
- Improved design/look
- Bash guard in aluminium for motors and gears will be released later for this geardrive
Large selection of ratios, choose between 1:3, 1:3.5 and 1:4.4. All gears in steel with QPQ coating. Mod 1 herringbone gears
Geardrive can be installed for motors under board or rear at any angle.
Hanger shaft made in steel 10mm thick for ultimate durability. Possible to remove and install new shaft.
RKP hanger works good with any caliber style baseplate, Channel hanger require our Channel baseplate.
Channel hanger =335mm wide, 10mm shaft
RKP hanger = 300mm wide, 10 mm shaft
Kegel and Abec adapters for any street wheels with kegel core or abec core (recommended 110mm wheels for streetwheels). AT adapter that work with Bioboards rims , MOON Eros, MBS Rockstar, MBS Fivestar, Trampa Superstar and Trampa Megastar.

For motors with 44mm hole pattern (standard) and 10mm motor shaft.
Wheel gear bearings and sealing bearings included. All screws needed for assembly is included. Spacers needed for assembly included. Bearings for streetwheels included with TB110 wheels, Bearings for AT wheels included with Bioboards AT rims. Any 6-8" tyres work with the rims. For street wheels we recommend using 110mm + wheels, 105mm works but are lacking good ground clearence.
With 2WD 2 geardrives included, with 4WD 4 geardrives included.
We don´t recommend to order without any hanger or adapter since this geardrive system is designed to screw direct onto the hanger if you dont have a Matrix 3 truck that we have a adapter for.
If you choose the option to include a hanger and/or baseplate both for front and rear is included (2pc).
All aluminum parts are made of high-quality 6061-T6 aluminum. All steel parts are made of high-quality 4140 steel QPQ coated and chemical blackening for lifelong lifetime. All parts are made with extreme precision with an extremely low tolerance for the best performance, quality and fit. All parts are anodized black except the baseplate which comes with green Pantone 802C anodizing.
It is very easy to assemble and has almost endless possibilities. Do you want a different gearing ratio in the future? Would you like to switch from RKP to Channel? Would you like to switch to street wheels instead? Everything is possible with Bioboards geardrive system. Keep the same gears forever instead of buying new ones every time you rebuild your board!
Green edition = wheel adapter and motor plate in green (Kegel adapter is always black)
Black edition = wheel adapter in black

Install instructions: Coming soon..
3 years warrany! Motors not included.